Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lizzy Borden has just signed with A.R.M. Entertainment

Fresh off the main stage at this year's Rocklahoma festival, Lizzy Borden will finally bring the “Appointment with Death Show” to the U.S.

The AWD show received rave reviews in Europe and is now about to hit the United States in all its “Blood, Sweat and Cheers” glory.

Starring: Lizzy Borden, Joey Scott, Marten Andersson, Dario Lorina and Chris Sanders.

The Lizzy Borden Appointment with Death Show produced spectacular performances on the main stages of some of Europe's biggest festivals like, “Sweden Rock” (Sweden) “Bang Your Head” and “Keep it True” (Germany) “Kobetasonic” (Spain) all to rave reviews unanimously declaring Lizzy Borden the hit of the festivals!

Lizzy Borden will be performing....

Full Story Here

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